Even if you never go to trial, 3D animation is a great preparation tool to strengthen your case, The ability to take an expert witness, accident reconstruction and police report and depositions and create a 3 dimensional scene that can be visualized and viewed from any perspective can be invaluable. 3D animation allows a viewer to see the inner workings of an accident and enhances the persuasiveness of your argument. Instead of telling jurors what happened, you can show them what happened and give them multiple viewpoints to increase their understanding. Your expert's testimony is transformed from a dry analysis by capturing a juror's attention with video that illustrates your expert's conclusions. We provide you with a low detail preview of your proposed animation so that inconsistencies in your reports may be brought to light. This allows you time to clarify issues or change an argument after seeing something that you had not considered before. After final rendering, the animation can be used to show your strengths or cast doubt on opposing counsel’s argument. The process of creating a 3D animation allows great flexibility and cost savings. Once the initial 3D scene is created, outtakes for interactive PDF's, storyboards and poster blow-ups can be generated. Should the need arise for motion, the building blocks already exist to create it. |